MLB Ballpark App
How do I claim, use, and transfer my MLB tickets?
Claiming My Tickets
Didn't Receive The Claim My Ticket Email
Transferring Tickets to Guests
Most MLB Teams use the MLB Ballpark App to distribute their tickets. To use tickets to an MLB game, you will need to download the MLB Ballpark app.
The only exception to the App is the New York Yankees. The Yankees do use the MLB Ballpark App but tickets can also be distributed via their Ticketmaster ticket portal. If you have tickets to a game at Yankee Stadium and do not see the tickets in the app, head to the Yankees Ticketmaster portal and sign in the with the email address used to purchase tickets: New York Yankees - Ticketmaster Portal
Claiming My Tickets
1. Your seller will transfer the tickets to you and you will receive an email from the MLB/ Team to claim your tickets.
2. Open the email on a mobile device and click on the link.
3. You will arrive at the web page to accept the ticket(s):
a.If you have already downloaded the MLB Ballpark App, you will be brought directly to the App to sign in so you can retrieve their tickets.
b.If you do not already have the MLB Ballpark App and are using an iOS or Android device, you will be directed to download the App and create an account, if you don’t already have one.
4. Once signed in, your tickets will be in your account and ready for you to use.
What if I Didn’t Receive the Email to Claim My Tickets?
The ticket email would have come from the MLB/ Team - be sure to check your inbox. Mobile transfer emails can sometimes be found in your promotion, junk, and spam folders. However, the MLB ticket email is not necessary.
To access the tickets, you can:
1. Sign in to your account via the MLB Ballpark App, with the email address used to purchase.
a.If you already have an MLB account associated with the email address, the tickets will automatically be accepted and uploaded into your account.
b.If you don’t have an MLB account associated with the purchase email, create an account and sign in.
2. Once signed in, your tickets will be in your account and ready for you to use.
MLB Ballpark ticket transfer emails can sometimes be found in your promotion, junk, and spam folders.
Transferring Tickets to Guests
1. Log into your account via the MLB Ballpark App on a mobile device.
2. Click the Tickets tab and then the Wallet tap to access a list of your events.
3. Click the event you are looking for to view all of the tickets you have for that event.
4. At the bottom of the list, tap "Forward Ticket".
5. Select the ticket(s) you wish to forward then choose "Select From Contacts", "Via Email", or “Share Link’.
a. Selecting "Forward Ticket" again prompts you to enter an email address or choose a friend from your Address Book.
6.You can then add the recipient's name (optional) and a message (optional) before tapping "Send" to complete the forward.
7.If you wish to send with another method, you can tap "Share Link" which will provide you a unique link to share via text. You can also quickly send tickets to friends you’ve forwarded to recently by tapping on their email.